
Ok...I admit it!!! I snore when I sleep!!! I can't help it. Today my roomies were saying that my room sounded like an auto-rickshaw stand at night. Ofcourse, its not just me...theres another in my room too. He snores in every position!!!In my defence, I say...I snore only when I lie on my back and also I have a problem with my nose bridge :(. Can't help it!!! girls who are interested in me...this is an ugly fact that I've decided to make a clean breast of:) could just tap me or gently roll me on my turn the motor off ;)

On a related father used to snore a lot too. I remember when I was a kid and having sleepless nights...I used to just hear my old man snore. And then all of a sudden...he would stop and I'd think..."God!!! has achan died??". Then I would just tap him...and he'll start again and I would be relieved :)


Anonymous said…
At the risk of sounding like a spammer I feel I should tell you of an alternative remedy for snoring. My snoring was a problem for the spouse. My wife would often wake me to stop. We found an unexpected solution that has stopped my snoring: The SquidFace and ComfyRest pillows. The snoring relief on my back was an unexpected benefit of an invention I patented for being able to lie facedown comfortably and breathe without turning my head to the side. Also great for power naps. Snoring relief and many additional pain relief benefits are on my website.

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