The Movie Date

"Dum de dum dum la la la...", I hummed as I put on my shirt, applied deodarant liberally and started combing my hair."Arrey...where are you off to,Akash??",asked Ashok,my roomie. "Todays the big day da... taking Mohini to the movies!!!",I replied with a huge smile,"...I have it all planned. We're going to a super horror flick...I'm sure she's going to cling on to me during the scary parts..and I've asked the manager to get me seats at the back row too!!!". Ashok let out a howl,started laughing and gave me two thumbs up!!!

I got down from the bus and rushed towards the theatre entrance. Mohini was standing there waiting for me. She was looking great!!! I held out the crook of my arm to her and said,"Ready Madam??". She gave me her sweetest smile, did a mock courtesy, and replied,"Yes my dear sir!!!". We proceeded to the hall and I asked her to wait while I got the tickets. There came the first blow...the manager hadn't been able to get me tickets on the back row. We had to settle for two rows from the back.

We found our seats and I sank down only to find out that I had just sat on a wad of chewing gum. "What a great start!!!", I muttered beneath my breath. I asked Mohini to settle down while I went to wash the mess, showering the most choicest of abuses at the person who had thrown that wad there so callously!!!

I returned and settled down by which time the movie had already started. I had seen it once before and knew all the scary parts and was ready to hold her reassuringly when the need arose. But Mohini was taking the movie quiet well. She'd just give a gasp at the scary hopes of her clinging on to me were fast evaporating...time for some desperate action. A particularly scary part was coming up and I slowly started moving my arm behind her so that I could place it on her shoulder. "Oh my god...he's gonna grab that girl!!!",someone cried from behind and I was so shocked that I quickly retracted my arm. I looked around and saw, to my relief, that it was only a viewer who was shocked at what was happening on screen(the vampire was about to grab the heroine). I turned back, grumbling and cursing the guys rotten plan was splitting apart on its seam!!!

The very scary climax of the movie had begun to roll and I could see Mohini was starting to get real frightened. "This was's just a matter of time",I thought to myself. But my hopes were short-lived because the woman sitting right behind me chose that exact moment to get so frightened that she poured her ice cold cola all over me!!! I had to get up and go wash again and by the time I came back, the movie was movie date had been a failure!!!

It was dark when we both started walking towards her home so that I could drop her. "Sorry our movie date was an utter fiasco,Mo",I said. "Who said it was a fiasco?? I absolutely enjoyed it!!! I was kind of apprehensive that you would plan something to impress me and try some "moves" on me,like most lame boys. But you didn't...there's no way you could have planned everything that happened!!!",she replied with a hearty laugh. I loved that laugh.

We had reached the front of her house. she looked up at me and said, "Thanks for being such a perfect gentle man,Akash...I had a great time.". She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and, blushing like the setting sun, she ran inside her house.

I stood there for nearly a minute touching the slightly moist spot on my cheek...and then I gave a whoop and started dancing my way back home!!!


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