The year that was 2007

On hindsight, 2007 wasn't much of a breakthrough year for me. 2006 I landed a job, got a nephew and all!! So what were the highlights of my 2007?? Here are some of them (not in any particular order)

1)Lets get over with the official,shall we?? There was a landslide of projects this year. Apart from a short bench period of 10 days way back in March...I was always under the project umbrella :(

2)Arun,Ancy and Me won the Dumb-Charades competition earlier this year:)

3)I never used to frequent quiz competitions until reaching Infy. Once here, me and Arun used to just attempt all the prelims...while all the others were gunning to get on the stage...we were always trying to get atleast 3 or 4 qs right in the prelim stage:). Well things changed during the infy entertainment quiz. We got through the prelims and narrowly missed 3rd place. WOW!!!

4)I took up Guitar lessons. But it's been a month since I attended classes :(...need to practice more!!!

5)Made trips to Ooty and Coorg. Wrote a travelog for the latter and have sent it to the Sparsh team...hope it gets featured (finger's crossed :))

6)Participated in the Mysore Myforia singing out in the first round itself :). But atleast I gave it a shot!!!

7)Became an avid fan of Calvin n Hobbes. Started sending daily strips to all my friends (though most of them delete it without a second look :( )

8)The first person in our college batch got married this year. And that too it was a boy!!! Have we all reached a marriageable age???

9)My personal movie collection has touched 50...and its gonna get bigger!!!

10)Got introduced to the pleasures of YouTube.Relived several childhood favourite programs,cartoons,movie series favourites et al.

11)After training, got posted in Pune...but decided to get a swap to Mysore so I can be with friends.

12)Fell in love and got my heart broken, yet again(and in the process, seems to have lost a friend.). Have decided not to pursue love anymore...let the love butterfly come an settle on my shoulder when I least expect it:)

13) Decided not to get emotionally attached with girls.

14)Had several experiences which made me realise that parents need us when they are getting old. I promise to live upto it...HAVE too!!!

15)Absolutely loved spending time with my little nephew when he came for vacation. Miss him everyday :(

16) I guess some of the best movies I saw this year were, Taare Zameen Par,Transformers,Pursuit of happiness,Spiderman 3, Memento,Arabhikatha among many more.

17)Bade adieu to Harry Potter. Went to Banglore to buy the last book...absolutely loved it!!! :D

18)Started blogging...have reached 15 posts as of now :)

Hope 2008 is going to be good too :-)


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