Magic of Christmas

Christmas is really a fun season. I absolutely used to enjoy walking down the streets near my home and looking at the different types of mangers made by the christian houses. All had the same theme…an angelic baby Jesus sleeping peaceful while his parents and the three wise men looking on. And the weather would be absolutely great…cool with a light breeze and the sky looking like it just came out of the laundry…a perfect,flawless blue. Those absolutely used to fill me heart. So…what makes the Christmas season fun and magical? Here are some of the reasons, that I feel , make Christmas a great holiday


Who can’t fall in love with this chubby old man?? Though most of us don’t believe in him…he still is an integral part of Christmas. Children stop believing in him at different ages, but until that happens, they absolutely adore them and believe that it is him who’ll bring them presents on Christmas morning…making it worth-while. The whole magic of him living in the north pole and having a lot of elves to help him is very alluring to the child mind and for those who still have a child within them.


Another best thing about Christmas is that it falls during the winter (except in the Southern Hemishpere). I haven’t yet got a chance to see snow…but from what I’ve heard and seen in movies…its beautiful and great. Snow men and snow-fights!!! And after a snow-fall, it looks as if the world has been covered by a white blanket J

Christmas trees, when properly decorated, are really a visual treat!!!


Is it the cool weather?? Is it the mood of the holidays?? Or is it because Christmas is celebrated to remember a messiah who showed us the ultimate sacrifice of taking all of the worlds sins upon himself and in the process absolving us of it??Whatever the reason is, this season is always filled with joy, cheer and happiness. People go out of their way to help the needy. It’s a pity this spirit doesn’t last throughout the year…we need more of helping, understanding and tolerance these days. Almost everyone you meet gives you a smile and a cheery “Merry Christmas”. The season reminds us there is still good in this world and that HOPE will set you free:)


This point is self explanatory, isin’t it ?? ;-)...Thank you Bobby Deol,Pattaru,Chintavishtan,Kozhi,V,Deepu and Miss-Caller...for being there for me :)

Merry Christmas Everyone :)


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