Leo - The Lion

I got this pdf from a forward, that dealt with the traits of the various sun-signs. Here are some traits about the Leo(I am a Leo, by the way)...that are too true for comfort.

1)Leos are extremely sensitive but they hide that very well.

2)The secret of the Leo is that they need to be needed (so very true)!!!

3)The Leo man falls in love easily and it usually does not last(does it??). This is because his emotional ideals of a grand and magnificent love affair quickly turn into reality. Leo man needs a woman who is grounded and in-tune with the realities of life so she can help him keep his feet on the ground.(I mistook this trait to be a form of weakness...and I once even told someone I want a STRONG woman to keep me on track...guess the reason is now clear!!!)

I love the person who wrote this :)


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