United Forever

I made my way slowly towards home. I had developed a habit of walking home from work for a long time now,listening to my Ipod. It was my way of unwinding from the days happenings at work. As time went by,the Ipod had given way to Lakshmi(Latchu)...my wife, who used to accompany me on these walks, chattering animatedly on silly as well as serious things. But now she was gone. After a year of blissful married life, that seemed to last forever, she had fallen prey to cancer. We spent a year fighting it and finally, 3 months ago, she had succumbed,bringing my life into abrupt darkness. I didn't know whether I could survive without her. I had lost the will to live but I wasn't cowardly enough to commit suicide.

Today was particularly eventful.Some high profile personality had been assasinated and the police were on the lookout for the assassin. A shoot-at-sight directive had also been issued.I was troubled as they had shown a sketch of the assassin and he looked a lot like me. I thought of my long-lost twin, Sachin, who had been thrown out of our house by father a long time ago. The last thing I had heard about Sachee was that he was a goonda in Mumbai. Could he have become an assassin for hire?? It was this thought that was troubling me as I took out the key to open the front door of the house I, now alone, occupied.

A huge framed portrait of Lachu greeted me. Off late I would spend most of my time just lying down in front of it and looking at her round,huge eyes...so full of laughter. I stood gazing at her. The sound of the back door slamming brought me out of my reverie. I went to the kitchen to see that the back door was open,swaying in the wind. Someone had entered the house!!!

In a state of panic, I rushed to pick up the phone and call the police but I could barely punch the numbers when the lights turned out and someone grabbed me from behind and threw me onto the sofa.

"I have a gun with me and you're going to do exactly as I tell you, do you understand??", said a long forgotten voice. "Sachee...it's me,Ani...your brother!!!",I blurted out. I heard a gasp of disbelief and someone moved past me and the lights were turned back on. I stared into a rugged,unkempt and scared version of myself. We rushed and hugged each other,long lost brothers just glad to see each other after a long time. Sachin started sobbing and became limp in my arms...I helped him onto the sofa.

"Wait a minute,I'll be right back",I said as I rushed to get some water to drink. Once Sachin had regained his composure, I asked,"Whats happening,Sachee?? Are you the assassin they're looking for??"

Sachin sprang up to his feet..."No,Ani...I didn't do it!!! I was framed. I had left the gang couple of years ago. I had found love and wanted to pursue a decent life, free of crime, to be with her!!!". He started sobbing again.

"Then what happened??", I asked.

"Well, things were kind of smooth until now. Today, I got a call about a job and the person asked me to meet him in person at the same place where that guy was killed. After he was shot, the police saw me...recognised me and gave chase. I have been on the run,ever since!!! I barely got away when I broke into your house!!!I'm sure they'll be back soon...I have to get out of here!!!",Sachin replied. "And you know what,Ani??",Sachin continued with tears in his eyes,"We are just about to have a baby...looks like I won't be able to see it's face...".His voice trailed and he started crying.

I got up slowly and went to the kitchen cupboard where I kept a bottle of whisky. I started pouring out drinks.I just pretended to drink while Sachin was helping himself rather genorously.

"So...whats up with you??? How have you been holding up??",asked Sachin.

"Well, I'm a PM at a software firm...and I got married to Latchu nearly 2 years ago",I replied.

"Yoouur'e married?? Where is your wife then (hic)??",slurred Sachin. The whiskey was starting to take effect.

"She died...cancer!!! It happened about three months ago.I've been having a difficult time adjusting...and I've realized now...I can't live without her!!!", I replied.

"What dyu meeann..you're not thinkinggg of....",his voice trailed and the glass fell from his limp hands. He was unconscious. I had drugged the Whiskey bottle and it had done its job well.

I could hear the sound of sirens approaching from the distance. The police were coming. I carried my brother to my bedroom upstairs and laid him on the bed. I made him wear my pyjama kurta and I in turn wore his pants and shirt. This done, I took a pen and wrote a short note for him...

Dear Sachee,
I won't be here when you wake up. I'm going to see Latchu.Make your life count from now on...be a good husband and a great father. Please consider this as my will...I am leaving everything I have to you. Don't worry about me...guess fate brought us together this night so things can be this way.

I placed the note in his kurta pocket. The police had reached down and they were ordering "Sachee" to surrender. I looked at Lachu's portrait one final time and stepped outside and fired a couple of shots in the air just to frighten them. The police opened fire at me...

I could see Latchu, beautiful as ever,come and take me hand...as everything went quiet. Nothing could come between us now...


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