Life after Death

I was fed up with life. Things have been going down-hill for quiet sometime now.The day started with terrible news. The sensex had crashed and my consultant said I had lost a major part of my savings.I had broken up with the girl I loved. I had done something reaaaaal stupid and I had accepted her decision to part ways with guilty silence. And there were rumours of an impending lay-off at the company...I was sure that I'll loose my job. I opted for the easy way out...suicide!!!

I was standing beside the busy highway. This was it...I stepped in front of a speeding car. Horns blared and in that frozen moment, I could see the look of shock n distress in the driver's eyes, as he slammed the break and tried to swerve to avoid me. But it wasn't enough...the car slammed into me and I was flying through the air and soon slammed back onto the hard concrete!!! I heard loud screams and a huge bang...and then things started falling silent...

I woke up. There was a blinding light. I stood up and looked down to!!! The doctors were trying to revive me. Everything felt so surreal but I was filled with an odd sense of calmness. I watched as they took away a body wrapped in white. I looked at the person's was the driver of the car that had crashed into me. Suddenly I was in a tunnel and there was a light at the end. I started walking and at the end...I met with a kindly old man with a white beard. It was GOD!!!

"Why did you decide to give up the precious life I gave you, my son??",GOD asked. I blurted out everything that had happened to me. GOD gave me a condescending smile and said, "If only you could have waited another day...what a pity!!!". He then proceeded to take me to my girlfriends bed room. There she was lying asleep like an angel with her diary held loosely on her chest. GOD asked me to check her latest entry and it read..."GOD forgive me for being so Petty with Andy. I should never have left him. Can't wait for t'rrow...I going back to him". I started crying and GOD asked me to take a walk with him. The early newspapers were being put on display and the headlines read that the Sensex had stabilised and that meant there was a great chance that I could get back the money I had lost. "And next week, you were due for a promotion at the office. Some of your collegues were laid off...but they had faith in you enough to retain you. Pity you didn't have faith in yourself!!!And you also ended up killing an innocent man who was desperately trying to reach the hospital to see his new-born child!!!",continued GOD. "Oh GOD, please let me go back!!! I'm sorry I ended my life...please help me!!!" GOD replied,"Well, if you can get back to your body before the heat leaves it...maybe you'll have a chance!!!"

I rushed back to the hospital and began a frantic search for my body. On the way, I was vaguely aware of the driver's body being handed over to a grieving family...but I wasn't paying attention. My body was all that I had in mind!!! I caught up with it at the operation theatre and I stopped dead on my tracks!!!

The driver whom I had caused to die was about to enter my body. "Hey,stop!!!",I cried. He looked back at me and said, "Sorry mate,finders keepers. I need to see my son!!!" and he entered my body!!! The life support system started beeping and the confused doctors frantically wheeled "me" in to continue the resuscitation. I heard one of the doctors mutter,"It's an effing MIRACLE!!!"

A lonely eternity was beckoning towards me...


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