
Showing posts from 2008
Iniyennu kaanumente puthu vasanthame... Nirathingal chiriyalen arikil varille... Pularkalam viriyumbol innum nin mukham.. Ariyathen ormayilo madhura nombaram..

Azeez Chinese Restaurant (Love over Chinese Cuisine)- Part Three

Veni readily accepted Siddharths invitation for dinner. They made their way to “Azeez Chinese Restaurant” and when they entered, Siddharth had a real shock!!! Azeez had made a lot of changes to the interiors. The chinese lamps that were previously hung just as decoration, now covered the over head light bulbs, throwing the restaurant into a romantic twilight. He had brought a music system and it was playing soft-music. “Nice ambience”, observed Veni. “Ya. That’s what I like about the place apart from the food. It’s actually quiet surprising that you too like authentic Chinese food. How come you never told me?”, asked Siddharth. “You never asked me”, replied Veni with a twinkle in her eye. Azeez approached them. “Ha…Azeezji!!! This is Veni. Veni, this is Azeezji, the owner and chef of this restaurant”, said Siddharth. “Hi”, said Veni to Azeez. “Nice to have met you, Veni. Sidhu has told me so much about you. He seems to have forgotten to mention that you are also a beautiful woman?”, sa

Azeez Chinese Restaurant (Love over Chinese Cuisine) Part 2

“Tell me,Sidhu. Don’t you have any other friends?”, asked Azeez. Siddharth had started coming to Azeez’s every Friday night at first and then this had become a daily routine. He used to enjoy the food as well as Azeez’s company. After a while, the food started taking a back seat. They used to talk on a plethora of subjects. Siddharth never used to talk much about his problems but during the rare occasion that he did, Azeez was able to give real insights and solutions. He learned a great deal about chinese food and the intricacies of its preparation. He in turn told Azeez about the books he read and movies and his daily experiences in the corporate world. As the clientele of the restaurant was generally poor, Azeez would always have time to spend with Siddharth. It was a Friday and Siddharth had eaten his food and they both had settled down in the front porch of the restaurant for their usual chat. The frequent visits Siddharth made had made Azeez think whether Siddharth had any friends

Azeez Chinese Restaurant (Love over Chinese Cuisine) - Part 1

Siddharth had developed a taste for authentic Chinese cuisine after he had spent around two years in China on an onsite assignment. Consequentially, he used to frequent the various Chinese food outlets in the city every Fridays - a new restaurant every week. The “Chinese” food that is usually served across India is not authentic chinese..but an “Indianised” version of it. Though most of the style of cooking like high fires, use of ajino-moto and the various Chinese sauces were adhered to, more of the traditional Indian spices were used as well. Siddharth found that he liked this desi version better. But of late he had started getting tired of the monotonous taste and was yearning for some authentic Chinese food…just for old times sake. He had exhausted all other options for a restaurant when he chanced to see the “Azeez Chinese Restaurant” , travelling on his bike near the city suburbs. He had not heard much about the place. The name itself had sounded rather unappealing. He asked t

Rasam in Italian

I am a sucker for good rasam. I love the way they prepare it in Tamil Nadu. Give me white rice and rasam for lunch any day and I'll eat it up with relish savouring every morsel. I went to the floating restaurant yesterday and guess what? I found out what they call Rasam in Italy...its Italian Minestrone Soup!!! It tasted exactly like the best Rasam I have ever tasted :) And guess what was the accompaniment for the white rice in the menu? It was Rasam!!! Now thats what I call killing two birds with the same stone :P

When Harry Met Sally

Harry Burns: Would you like to have dinner?... Just friends. Sally Albright: I thought you didn't believe men and women could be friends. Harry Burns: When did I say that? Sally Albright: On the ride to New York. Harry Burns: No, no, no, I never said that... Yes, that's right, they can't be friends. Unless both of them are involved with other people, then they can... This is an amendment to the earlier rule. If the two people are in relationships, the pressure of possible involvement is lifted... That doesn't work either, because what happens then is, the person you're involved with can't understand why you need to be friends with the person you're just friends with. Like it means something is missing from the relationship and why do you have to go outside to get it? And when you say "No, no, no it's not true, nothing is missing from the relationship," the person you're involved with then accuses you of being secretly attracted to the perso

Howard Roark's Courtroom Speech From The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand

Thousands of years ago, the first man discovered how to make fire. He was probably burned at the stake he had taught his brothers to light. He was considered an evildoer who had dealt with a demon mankind dreaded. But thereafter men had fire to keep them warm, to cook their food, to light their caves. He had left them a gift they had not conceived and he had lifted dardness off the earth. Centuries later, the first man invented the wheel. He was probably torn on the rack he had taught his brothers to build. He was considered a transgressor who ventured into forbidden terrritory. But thereafter, men could travel past any horizon. He had left them a gift they had not conceived and he had opened the roads of the world. That man, the unsubmissive and first, stands in the opening chapter of every legend mankind has recorded about its beginning. Prometheus was chained to a rock and torn by vultures—because he had stolen the fire of the gods. Adam was condemned to suffer—because he had eaten

My Movie Collection

If you want to check out my movie collection, follow the below links : DVD: VCD:

12 Angry Men

I saw this movie last weekend and to say that it was good would be an understatement. It was great!!! A taut script with an ensemble cast keeps you glued to the screen for the entire duration of the film. Its all about 12 jury members sequestered in a jury room, to decide the fate of an 18 year old, from a poor,gritty and rough locality, accused of murdering his father. 11 of them vote for "Guilty" straight away while one of them, an Architect, votes "Not Guilty"...just because he's not sure of the facts, believes them to be circumstantial in nature and he wants them to, in his own words, " about it,you know!!!". What follows is an attempt by the lone man to convince the others that there is room for "reasonable doubt". They begin to analyse the "facts"(some reluctant, some vehemently reluctant and some willingly). They realise there is indeed room for "reasonable doubt" and end up, one after another, revising their

The Team Trip to Thalakkad,Somnathpur and Shivanasamudram

Here are some photographs from the team trip we took to Thalakaad/Somnathpur and Shivanasamudram. This was back in March. Was able to upload the snaps only now :) Atop Shivanasamudram falls!!! Rowing on the Kaveri!!! Vikram aur Vetal!!! My Batting heroics against the Sify Team!!! I can’t believe they kicked me for ruining their foto :( My Foot!!! The new Deity at Somnathpur Temple - Lord “Anand”akrishna The Somnathpur Temple - The beautiful song "Sundari" from Maniratnam's "Dhalapathy" was shot extensively here. Rocking the Bus Ride!!!

First Time I Ever Posted Something on the Net

So what was the first time I ever posted something on the net?? It didn't take me long to get the answer...I wrote a review for the book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" after it released. I thought they had scrapped that post but guess what I found when I googled my name...a link to my review :). It was like getting re-united with an old friend!!! The Link:

The Phone Test

I have been away from the Blogs for over a month now. "Thanks" to my previous project for that :(. It got over two weeks back and here I am :) So back to my story... His mid year appraisal was due and he had around 8 days of ILI sessions to complete. A really hectic project had gotten over a week back and the initial euphoria he had felt at getting some quality bench time had now subsided...he was sick of not doing anything. So he decided to go for some ILI classes..that would help his appraisal as well. So there he was in a well air-conditioned room of the ILI building. He eyed the girls coming one by one for the session. He noticed one cute girl with glasses having a great smile. Men tend to fall for very small and often silly things when it comes to girls. The session started and he often glanced at the girl. At one such instance, she caught his eye and she smiled. He smiled his best smile back. The facilitator announced that they all had to be divided into 4 groups. He p

What a trip home!!!

What a trip home!!! I just had an agenda of visiting my grandmother, watch "Katha Parayumbol" and spend time with my best friend. I reached my mother's place...met everyone and then my cousin says she has no one to take her to the Satyam recruitment exam at Aluva, the following day. I am real fond of her and when her mother called up and said, she shouldn't go if there's no one to take her...she started I decided to take her back home with me and accompany her to Aluva, the next day!!!! It had been 2 years since I've been to Aluva UC College for a recruitment. It was an ordeal back then...with loooong waits and poor organising. Nothing had changed...the exam scheduled to start at 10, started by 11:30...ended by 1pm. They said the results would be put up within the hour...but "hour" turned out to be 6pm in the evening!!! But to allay my anger and deep annoyance...Shruti had got through the first round. I was happy as I knew it would do her


My best friend had called me the day before to say that his friendship with a girl he knew in college will be coming to an end soon. Her marriage has been fixed. Of course the friendship will remain, but the intensity will reduce drastically. They were real close,had started liking each other and she depended a lot on him. I've been advising him for a long time now, to slowly reduce the calls and the intensity...this would make the eventual parting a lot bearable. Thankfully, though not completely, he did take my advice and they had slowed down. But inspite of that he was still sounding depressed when he called to tell me that she had asked him to forget everything and the end was in sight.So easy to say...gut wrenching to execute. Girls can get over it quiet fast as they'll have another person in their lives to occupy them...but what about us guys??? Girls take it for granted that we will be ok...but just because we don't show it,doesn't mean it is easy for us...sepera

Reason,Seasonal or Life-time?

Got this as a forward... People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.When you know which one it is , you will know what to do for that person.When someone is in your life for a REASON , it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then , without any wrong doing on your part or at an inconvenient time ,this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn

Belief in Love

People haven't stopped believing in love. They haven't stopped wanting to be in love. They just don't believe in a happy ending anymore. They still believe in love and falling in love, but they know now that...they know that romances almost never end as well as they begin" --An excerpt from Gregory David Robert's "Shantaram"

Spiderman In India

The crime rates in his home town had come down drastically.Life had become dull. In search of more exciting game, Spidey comes to India. He places his luggage in a hotel room and starts to walk around the city, with his suit under his clothes, ready to help out anyone in distress. He spent the entire day walking around...but couldn't see any sign of a crime. Not a bank robbery or an assault...not even a puss in the tree to save. It was twilight and he decided to call it a day and go back to his room when he heard a commotion and saw a car speeding away. He could hear screams of "Help me!!!" from inside. This was it!!! He quickly made his way to a dark alley and put on his mask. He was ready!!! He squirted a web onto the nearest building...but he couldn't get air borne...there weren't any tall skyscrapers as there were back home!!! Web slinging was out of the question!!! Climbing the building and following the speeding car on foot would be ridiculous. Spidey didn&#

The Day the Work stood still

The fire emergency alarm suddenly blared interrupting all of us from our work."Shit,man...not another darn fire drill...", I exclaimed with consternation. Anyway...hoping to get a head start for lunch and also spend time with Vani...I ignored the pending work I had to do, locked the system and proceeded to join the steady stream of humanity moving out of the SDB. I tried to reach Vani on her cell...but she was out of reach. It was only when I reached the safety point that I realised, this wasn't the usual fire was the real thing...huge clouds of thick black smoke was billowing from our SDB...the largest on campus!!! I tried to reach Vani again...but she wasn't answering. Panic grabbed me. I frantically started searching for her amongst the anxious on lookers. I met some of her friends and all they could say was that the last time they saw her...she was taking a rest-room break. I ran and told the fire fighters that there was someone trapped inside...but the

The Movie Date

"Dum de dum dum la la la...", I hummed as I put on my shirt, applied deodarant liberally and started combing my hair."Arrey...where are you off to,Akash??",asked Ashok,my roomie. "Todays the big day da... taking Mohini to the movies!!!",I replied with a huge smile,"...I have it all planned. We're going to a super horror flick...I'm sure she's going to cling on to me during the scary parts..and I've asked the manager to get me seats at the back row too!!!". Ashok let out a howl,started laughing and gave me two thumbs up!!! I got down from the bus and rushed towards the theatre entrance. Mohini was standing there waiting for me. She was looking great!!! I held out the crook of my arm to her and said,"Ready Madam??". She gave me her sweetest smile, did a mock courtesy, and replied,"Yes my dear sir!!!". We proceeded to the hall and I asked her to wait while I got the tickets. There came the first

Customer care nightmare!!!

Customer service lady: This is the ***** customer may I help you?? Customer : I am not satisfied with your service. Customer service lady:Which service is that,sir? Customer:Rs 30 for Caller tune has been deducted from my balance and it has not been activated despite the immediete activation you guys advertise!!! I want my money back!!! Customer service lady: Ok sir...let me check our records. (After a minute) Our records say we have activated your caller should be working fine. Customer: No its its NOT!!! Customer service lady:How can you be so sure?? Customer: Well Ms Smarty Pants...I have called my own phone quiet a number of times,now and all I have heard is an engaged caller tune...can you care to explain this?? Customer service lady: (Sound of fainting)

United Forever

I made my way slowly towards home. I had developed a habit of walking home from work for a long time now,listening to my Ipod. It was my way of unwinding from the days happenings at work. As time went by,the Ipod had given way to Lakshmi(Latchu) wife, who used to accompany me on these walks, chattering animatedly on silly as well as serious things. But now she was gone. After a year of blissful married life, that seemed to last forever, she had fallen prey to cancer. We spent a year fighting it and finally, 3 months ago, she had succumbed,bringing my life into abrupt darkness. I didn't know whether I could survive without her. I had lost the will to live but I wasn't cowardly enough to commit suicide. Today was particularly eventful.Some high profile personality had been assasinated and the police were on the lookout for the assassin. A shoot-at-sight directive had also been issued.I was troubled as they had shown a sketch of the assassin and he looked a lot like me. I tho

Life after Death

I was fed up with life. Things have been going down-hill for quiet sometime now.The day started with terrible news. The sensex had crashed and my consultant said I had lost a major part of my savings.I had broken up with the girl I loved. I had done something reaaaaal stupid and I had accepted her decision to part ways with guilty silence. And there were rumours of an impending lay-off at the company...I was sure that I'll loose my job. I opted for the easy way out...suicide!!! I was standing beside the busy highway. This was it...I stepped in front of a speeding car. Horns blared and in that frozen moment, I could see the look of shock n distress in the driver's eyes, as he slammed the break and tried to swerve to avoid me. But it wasn't enough...the car slammed into me and I was flying through the air and soon slammed back onto the hard concrete!!! I heard loud screams and a huge bang...and then things started falling silent... I woke up. There was a blinding light. I sto

Coffee woes

Darn those coffee machines!!! I wasn't hungry enough to have b'fast today...instead I opted for a mug of nice steaming Cappachino from the CCD vending machine. I placed the mug beneath the filler, pressed "cappachino" and out comes only milk!!! I try once again...and again out comes only milk!!! I tell the person standing next in line that there is something wrong with the machine...he places his mug beneath the filler, presses Cappachino...and out flows cappachino!!! :( So here I am starting my day of with a mug of milk instead of a mug of great cappachino!!! Great start!!!

Things you don't want to hear your surgeon say...

Here is a scenario. You have been given an anaesthetic and put to sedation while the surgeon starts a complicated operation on you. You wake up in the middle of the procedure...what are the things you WOULDN'T like to hear your surgeon say? Here are some of my inputs :) 1) Oops...!!! 2) Now where is that scalpel?? I could've sworn I had it with me before I stitched him up...(doc looking at the stitches,suddenly realizing something)...Ohh Oh!!! :) 3) This should finish him off... :) 4) Oh my god!!! What should I do next??... 5) This ones got great kidneys...have we got any buyers that need one?? ;) Care to add to this, anyone??? :) P.S: I asked some of my friends about are some entertaining replies :) 1)you see the doctor sayin to your mom: I’m sorry ma’am, we did all we could…..(you sit up on the table and you look back only to see yourself still fast asleep) 2)(Surgeon asking trainee standing next to him) Want to try out something?? 3)Doctor saying…"this is th

Man in the Mirror - Never cheat yourself...

MAN IN THE MIRROR (Poem found on the prison walls - written by a prisoner, who was executed) When you get what you struggle for self And the world makes you King for a day Then go to the Mirror and look at yourself And see what the Man has to say For it isn't a Man's father, mother or wife Whose judgements upon him must pass The fellow whose verdict counts most in his life Is the Man staring back from the glass He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest For he's with you clear up to the end And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test If the Man in the glass is your friend You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years And get pats on the back as you pass But your final reward will be heartaches and tears If you've cheated the Man in the glass

When I dream at night...

When I dream at night-Marc Anthony I have been in love and been alone I have traveled over many miles to find a home There’s that little place inside of me That I never thought could take control of everything But now I just spend all my time With anyone who makes me feel the way she does [Chorus:] ‘cause I only feel alive when I dream at night Even though she’s not real it’s all right ‘cause I only feel alive when I dream at night Every move that she makes holds my eyes And I fall for her every time I’ve so many things I want to say I’ll be ready when the perfect moment comes my way I had never known what’s right for me ‘til the night she opened up my heart and set it free But now I just spend all my time With anyone who makes me feel the way she does [Chorus:] ‘cause I only feel alive when I dream at night Even though she’s not real it’s all right ‘cause I only feel alive when I dream at night Every move that she makes holds my eyes And I fall for her every time There are very few wh

You just weren't looking...

They aired "Khakka Khakka" in Jaya TV for Pongal. Here's the translation of a dialogue that caught my attention and which I absolutely loved :) Surya: Where were you all this time?? Jyothika: I was always here...YOU just weren't looking!!! P.S: Could someone post the actual tamil dialog?? :) P.P.S: Surya: Ivalum naal nee enga irundhe, Maya? Jo: Naan inga thaan irundhen,neenga thaan paakale.

Right Decisions and Wrong Decisions...

This is one of my friends messenger note... What is the secret of SUCCESS?? Ans: RIGHT DECISIONS How do you make RIGHT DECISIONS?? Ans: EXPERIENCE How do you get EXPERIENCE?? Ans: WRONG DECISIONS I'm confused...:-)

Small Cars in India

While everyone had their tongues wagging about the introduction of the new TATA Nano small car,did anyone notice the RK Narayan cartoon in yesterdays TOI?? It was like this...there was a huge pothole in the road and a typical middle class woman was looking down at it and admonishing, "I warned you not to buy the new small car until they fixed the condition of our roads!!!". For those of you who didn't get it...the new small car had fallen inside the pothole :) So absolutely hilarious :)

A Normal Cricket Fan!!!

I couldn't get a better word for normal to use in the title.Anyway,here goes...!!! My take is that there are just two kinds of sports enthusiasts. The first kind are the ones who put their heart n soul into a match...they know every sporting detail there is to know, are capable of analysing and comment on the game and what not.To them the game is more than a game. A loss by their favourite team will break their heart and a triumph will make their day. A triumph by their rivals will bring out a explosion of expletives and words of outrage.Well, thats the first kind. The second are those who like the game and players,but for them its just a game...something that has to be relished and enjoyed...nothing more. They have a basic or more than basic knowledge about the game. They like the GAME to win and that happens if the better team or player triumphs. They don't carefully choose which team to follow...they just like to follow those who play the game well.It's much more simpler

Leo - The Lion

I got this pdf from a forward, that dealt with the traits of the various sun-signs. Here are some traits about the Leo(I am a Leo, by the way)...that are too true for comfort. 1)Leos are extremely sensitive but they hide that very well. 2)The secret of the Leo is that they need to be needed (so very true)!!! 3)The Leo man falls in love easily and it usually does not last(does it??). This is because his emotional ideals of a grand and magnificent love affair quickly turn into reality. Leo man needs a woman who is grounded and in-tune with the realities of life so she can help him keep his feet on the ground.(I mistook this trait to be a form of weakness...and I once even told someone I want a STRONG woman to keep me on track...guess the reason is now clear!!!) I love the person who wrote this :)