
My best friend had called me the day before to say that his friendship with a girl he knew in college will be coming to an end soon. Her marriage has been fixed. Of course the friendship will remain, but the intensity will reduce drastically. They were real close,had started liking each other and she depended a lot on him. I've been advising him for a long time now, to slowly reduce the calls and the intensity...this would make the eventual parting a lot bearable. Thankfully, though not completely, he did take my advice and they had slowed down. But inspite of that he was still sounding depressed when he called to tell me that she had asked him to forget everything and the end was in sight.So easy to say...gut wrenching to execute. Girls can get over it quiet fast as they'll have another person in their lives to occupy them...but what about us guys??? Girls take it for granted that we will be ok...but just because we don't show it,doesn't mean it is easy for us...seperation never is!!!


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