Spiderman In India

The crime rates in his home town had come down drastically.Life had become dull. In search of more exciting game, Spidey comes to India. He places his luggage in a hotel room and starts to walk around the city, with his suit under his clothes, ready to help out anyone in distress.

He spent the entire day walking around...but couldn't see any sign of a crime. Not a bank robbery or an assault...not even a puss in the tree to save. It was twilight and he decided to call it a day and go back to his room when he heard a commotion and saw a car speeding away. He could hear screams of "Help me!!!" from inside. This was it!!!

He quickly made his way to a dark alley and put on his mask. He was ready!!! He squirted a web onto the nearest building...but he couldn't get air borne...there weren't any tall skyscrapers as there were back home!!! Web slinging was out of the question!!! Climbing the building and following the speeding car on foot would be ridiculous. Spidey didn't give up...he flagged a passing rick and said "Chase that car...hurry"!!! "Kya??",the auto driver replied with bewilderment. Spidey had to take out his Hindi-English dictionary and painfully construct the sentence..."Us...gaadi ke peechay jaao...jaldi!!!". The driver gave pursuit, occasionally glancing back in amusement at Spideys costume,and they followed the car to a run-down old building. Spidey sprang out only to be pulled back by the irate driver. "Abbey, paisa nikaal...do sau rupaiya!!!". After a lot of sign language...Spidey understood and ,muttering curses, he gave the money to the driver.

He quickly webbed himself onto the building and slowly crawled in search of the villains. They were inside,demanding a ransom from the kidnapped ladys husband. He slowly and noicelessly crawled into the room and was just about to spring in front of them and confront them when his feet slipped on the slippery moss that was growing on the wall and he fell in the villains midst. There were three of them. They ran towards Spidey...

"BIFF"...villain No 1 lay sprawling from Spideys vicious kick..."BAM"...Villain No 2 got a good one on the jaw..."CAPOW"...villain no 3 got his wind knocked out!!! They got on their feet and converged again on Spidey who shot a web onto the ceiling to hoist him to safety. But the ceiling was so weak that it couldn't stand his weight...and it came crashing down on him..."CRASH"!!! Spidey was down and the villains started pummeling him. Suddenly they stopped and looked at the door...someone was standing there!!!

Spidey looked on in amazement as the tall figure in a body hugging black cloak with his face behind a mask jumped to dizzying heights...landed cat-like and ran with supernatural speed to thrash the three clueless villains,senseless.

The man helped Spidey onto his feet. "Spiderman,right?? Hi...I'm Krish!!!". "Wow...you really kicked those guys ass,man!!!",wheezed Spidey. "Why can't you guys stick to your own cities?? My powers are suited for India...running,jumping high and immense strength is all dats needed,man!!! Your web slinging and wall crawling isn't of any use here,amigo!!! That guy, Batman, came here last year with his fancy car and gadgets...his car totally beat the dust when it ran on our roads!!! I told him the same thing....leave India to me...this is my beat...I'll take care of it",replied Krish. He patted Spidey on the back, gave him a big smile and with the lady, he left the building.

Spidey slowly walked out. It started raining and he was drenched. He found the same auto guy waiting for him and he charged double (because it was night) to take spidey back to his hotel. Spidey lay back on his bed and started sneezing badly...he had caught a cold. He took up the phone receiver and asked the reception to book him on the first flight to New York, the next day!!!


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