The Phone Test

I have been away from the Blogs for over a month now. "Thanks" to my previous project for that :(. It got over two weeks back and here I am :)

So back to my story...

His mid year appraisal was due and he had around 8 days of ILI sessions to complete. A really hectic project had gotten over a week back and the initial euphoria he had felt at getting some quality bench time had now subsided...he was sick of not doing anything. So he decided to go for some ILI classes..that would help his appraisal as well.

So there he was in a well air-conditioned room of the ILI building. He eyed the girls coming one by one for the session. He noticed one cute girl with glasses having a great smile. Men tend to fall for very small and often silly things when it comes to girls. The session started and he often glanced at the girl. At one such instance, she caught his eye and she smiled. He smiled his best smile back. The facilitator announced that they all had to be divided into 4 groups. He prayed that she would be in his group...and she was!!! He introduced himself and they started chatting. He found that they had a lot of similar interests. She laughed at his jokes. Some say that if one can get the girl to laugh and talk comfy, then he has a better chance of landing her eventually. But he knew this was the old case. The reason of such a behaviour from her side would not necessarily mean she was single, but could probably be because she's already commited to someone. His chance of ending up with her would all hinge on the "Phone Test".

Everything went sweet and nice till a few minutes before the first coffee break was scheduled. Her phone started vibrating on the desk. It was a miss-call. She casually lifted the phone and checked it. Her face melted into a most affectionate smile at the sight of the name from whom the miss-call had come. He was watching all this and his spirits plummeted. He watched on as she showed some obvious signs of impatience at the facilitators delay in calling the break. Once the facilitator did, she picked up her phone and walked out of the room. He went out after her...she wasn't to be seen and he started to casually walk around the building to see what she was upto.He had to be sure. He wished it would be a brother or some family member who had called her, but he knew deep inside that this would be highly unlikely...the "look" she had given the phone had betrayed the nature of the relationship she had with the miss-caller. After a couple of minutes, he found her sitting huddled on a stairway holding her mobile and having an animated conversation . Her happiness looked downright revolting to him and he found himself falling prey to an unreasonable hate towards whoever it was on the other side of the phone. He walked back. The "Phone Test" had commenced the instant the miss-call had come...and she had failed miserably.

The rest of the day went as usual, but his heart wasn't in the conversations he had with her. He knew that this exchange would go no where…result in nothing specific!!! They parted without any fanfare. He saw her taking out her mobile again and dialling a number. The animated chat resumed and then she had rounded a corner…he couldn’t see her again. He started walking back to his cubicle.

Time!!! it was just a matter of time before another oppurtunity would present itself.


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