The Maha-Software-Bharat

Hi...I'm Parth. I am number three of five brothers-Dharma, Big B, Nahcool and Sahdev. Funny names,huh?? Well, my father was a big Dharmendra fan so he just had to name his first born Dharma.As Dharma grew up, my parents realised he wouldn't I guess the name fits him. Big B is a freak of nature...dat guys so huge and bloody strong!!!My parents once went visiting some hill station when Big B was small and my mom kinda accidently dropped him while site-seeing on a cliff. Can't blame her really...he was already the size of an itsy witsy teeny weeny blue whale!!!Big B didn't fall much...he landed on a rock and set off a landslide!!! The road to the hill station was blocked for a week!!! They say I was a born gaming freak. Shooting was my speciality and no one could beat me in first person shooting games. Playstation, X-BOX, name it...I was the master!!!There was this one guy Ekalavya who was as good as me on all three consoles. Well, one day the unimaginable happened and he beat me in "Unreal Tournament". I jammed both his thumbs in between the door...the poor boy could never again use a gaming console again :-)Nahcool and Sahdev are twins. Nahcool is actually Nakul...he thinks he's so cool,but he's not. So we just call him Nah-Cool!!!sahdev is the quiet type and well, there just isn't much to tell about him!!! Both of them were eye-candy for the girls!!!And they were good singers as well!!!

Well, our father was a practicing bigamist and a gifted programmer. He had started a software consultancy company but wasn't good with the management. He lost a lot of money and left the company in the hands of his brother and went into exile with his wives. We were born to rather
impoverished conditions ... into a rather spacious tree house he built in the forest. Then he died leaving us in the care of Mom. We had to turn to my paternal uncle for help and he, being a billionaire and all...graciously welcomed us. Uncle was a nice man and he used to see us as his own sons...well not "see" in the literal sense because he was blind, you see!!! And my aunt had this penchant for cooling glasses and no one ever saw her without her shades. One would think that both of them were blind!!! Together they had made my fathers company into the best in Hastinapur and they had named it KCS-The "Kuru Computer Solutions" ("Kuru" being the dynasty to which our forefathers belonged).

We had a 100 cousins (WOWWEEEEEE...Way to gooooooo,Uncle!!!!) and they were bad news. Arrogant and haughty...they used to constantly fight with us. The eldest was Big D...well he thought he was big until he saw Big B and ever since then they hated each other. It was hate at first sight!!!I could never keep all of their names in my head...we just used to refer to them as the "Kauravas". Big D had a close friend. His name was Karan and he absolutely loved those weepy movies like "kuch Kuch Hota Hain",K3G and KANK. I took him for a sissy but I later came to know that his gaming skills rivalled mine.

We grew up to be nerdy geeks...the five of us were brilliant programmers...there was nothing else in this world for us!!! Uncle was getting old and Dharm was the number one choice to succeed him as the head of KCS much to Big D's consternation. I was into gaming big time. Nah-cool and Sahdev were also into part-time modelling...there wasn't a girl in town who wasn't in love with either of them. Big B was into body building and he had become a regular Hulk.He also loved to cook. Dharm was the hard-core programmer. But he was a sucker for gambling.Being geeks, we didn't have much friends. One day I saw an ad for a gaming competition and the price in offer was the latest VAIO laptop...the "DraU PD"...the configurations were mind-blowing and all five of us wanted it badly. Cheered on by my brothers, I enrolled for the competition and won...I had won DrauPD. We went running towards our home. Dharm shouted to Mom who was inside, "Mom...look what Parth has won??". Mom was busy seeing "Kyun Ki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi" and she replied, "Whatever it is, you guys divide it among yourselves!!!". During the commercial break she came and saw DrauPD and realised her mistake. But Dharm felt bad ignoring Mom's words and since then all 5 of us have been using DrauPD. And thus we procured the "love of our lives"!!!

Dharma was appointed MD of KCS. Big D was livid with anger. He wanted to get rid of us five once and for all. Knowing that Dharma was a sucker for gambling, Big D invited all of us to the Bellagio in Las Vegas for a round of Poker. Playing for the Kauravas was their American uncle, Shaque 'U Nee,who was known for his foul play. Dharma was beaten black and blue. Playing for pride...he pledged everything we had and lost it. We had become paupers!!! They threw us from our home and Big D appointed himself as MD of KCS. We moved into the tree house that we used to occupy when we were real young. There we started to build our life from scratch. We decided that we could enter the entertainment business. Reality shows were the new in we took forward our idea for the first ever "Hastinapur Idol" to the local HOLY channel. They liked the idea and promised us a huge amount if the show would become a success. After months of hard work, finding pleasing judges and advertising, the show went online and was an instant success. The winner was selected through smses and for each sms, we would get a small amount. Coupled with the whopping money promised by HOLY and the endorsements and the merchandising, we were able to pool enough money to begin a small software company which we named "Panfosys". We had the brains and some old faithful allies from abroad whom we knew during our KCS days. Projects after projects came and the Panfosys rise was meteoric. Within 13 years we had become the second best software company in Hastinapur. It was pay-back time for KCS. All eyes were on "Kurukshethra"...



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