Guys don't show emotion--WHAT???

I remember reading an article once in Readers Digest about the emotional capabilities of the descendents of Adam, which,contrary to what people think, rival even the most emotional of females. We are really emotional...we're just selective about the people we show it to. And in most cases, its to a lady friend that we open up to, as men still have reservations about opening up to other men unless it is absolutely necessary(men are action oriented and asking another man for help,unless its necessary, is seen as a sign of weakness)!!!We are happy to put aside our emotions and deal with them in our own way...playing ball,cursing friends,listening to music,taking long rides,drinking,partying etc. We just don't show it out!!!

Haven't you always wondered how simple it was when you were young...when everything was fun and you never knew about the intricacies of having a relationship with girls!!! During those times, boys were with boys and girls were just slightly short people you could fight with, people whom you always hate because they were so goody good in class and always the teacher's favourite!!! During the post puberty period, we start seeing them in new light...and start gaping at them shamelessly, start having crushes...still no heavy relationships!!! We never learn to respect or appreciate the fairer sex during those days. We enjoy life never suspecting that sooner or later we'll come across a rather persistent girl who'll introduce us to the world of relationships...and by the time she's done with us, we'll be left scratching our heads, wondering -"How the hell did I manage for so long without them??". That is gud, by the way, as it is this need that makes us look for less superficial relationships and go after more girls and finally land the one of our dreams with whom we can gladly settle down!!!

Girls often complain that they are the ones who keep showing love and affection in any relationship with men. They coersce men to open up and share their emotions and they get sad and give you the 5th when you don't do so. Ladies...understand we are not looking for someone to share our feelings...we just choose to have fun and tackle it in our own way.We don't need your help. No offence!!!When it comes to a sizeable sub-set of girls,things are not always what they seem. The reason why girls show love,affection and care to some guy is because they expect and want it in return manifold. They tend to use psedo-emotions and sweet-talk to get what they need from the guy. The guy feels he's special because he thinks the girls tells him everything and it seems as if she can't spend a minute without him. But that seldom is the case. When the girl thinks she is not getting what she needs from a guy, she'll just drop you faster than you can say "What the hell...??"!!! Thankfully, we men don't have such "emotional needs" that require satisfying. When we show emotions, it's the real thing and we show it to the ones who are worthy of it and we have our own ways to find out who is worthy. So showering us with love and affection (pseudo and otherwise) and staying behind us in a way that'll put even the hutch dog to shame, doesn't make you worthy of becoming privy to our emotions. We might tell you the odd trivial detail just to make you feel good...but thats it!!! We men do NOT want to show our emotions out and even if we do, its going to be only to one person and that would be someone great :-).

So girls...don't take it personal if we don't open up to you!!! You're not the lucky one,tough luck!!! You just have to accept us as we are. Life is complex...lets not make it even more complicated with all this delving into emotions and all. Let's keep things simple...idle chat, pulling each other and the works!!! It'll make the time we have together much enjoyable ;-)



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