
The new hot girl in my office and I were waiting for the elevator. I must admit, I was sweating a bit. Man!!! This girl is too hot to be allowed!!! The dialogue from the recent "Transformers" movie played inside me..."The pheromone levels in this man suggests he wants to mate with the female!!!" The elevator opened and we got inside. It was semi-dark and we had 3 floors to cover. Mid-way, the elevator stopped.Power outage!!!Oh My god!So much for a man's wildest fantasy...stuck in a dark elevator with a hot babe...Ma ma mia!!!I chanced a glance on her and she was looking at me. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife. Before I knew it, she was approaching me...there was no doubt as to what her intentions were...her ruby red lips were nearing close...

"Beep Beep Beep Beep"-the alarm clock sounded off at 6:30 AM.

I sat up on my bed cursing!!!The vision of the elevator and the girl left me and I was greeted by the sight of my roomie sleeping with his mouth open,snoring loudly. "Shit man...wat a lousy start to the day.", I grumbled. I wasn't keen on going to work...I just wanted to lie there on my bed doing nothing. Wait a minute...wat day was it??..."Friday", I realised with a jolt of excitement running through me. Now Friday changes everything. It's the best day of the week. I no longer had the urge to idle in my bed...I got up and started to get ready!!! There wasn't any time to waste...gotta reach office early!!! Is it my zest for work...???Bullshit!!! The sooner I swipe in, the sooner I can finish my 8.8 hour quota and say alvida for the weekend. I love dressing up on Fridays. You don't need the usual 15-20 min to pull on your formal pants, wear formal shirts...ties; all you have to do is slip into a nice comfy pair of jeans and pull on a T-Shirt...just 5 min which means a quarter of an hour more to sleep (if you choose to).

I reached the campus and quickly swiped in...the countdown begins!!!There is a general buzz in the campus on Fridays,haven't you noticed? I guess its the infection of the upcoming weekend. And its much more colorful on Fridays too...all the cute girls in their jeans and bright tops ...WOWEEEEEE !!!I reach my cubicle and check for any mails from on-site. I had sent some test-cases for review the previous day and I was praying that the on-site folks hadn't had time to review them 'cause that would mean "incorporating" them ... meaning work and which in turn means a complete ruination of the Friday "mood". Friday is, according to me, a time to relax and prepare oneself for the upcoming leisure filled weekend. show a touch of commitment and to be fair to the people who pays us, I'm willing to work an itsy bitsy teeny weeny bit on Friday mornings and 2:30pm is the farthest I can stretch(unless I've had a 2 hour lunch break, in which case I'll extend it to 3:30pm ... but don't push me!!!). It is during that time that you get into the "mood" and u just can't keep your mind on your work. If we are forced to work, we'll produce sub-standard results, which will inturn bode ill for the company...understand yaar!!!

Well, there wasn't any mail from on-site (Yippeeeeeeeeee!!!). So all that was left to do was while away my time till 5:30pm and then I am outta here! Me and Pooja were planning to go to Vrindavan gardens this weekend. I had already asked one of my roomies for a loan of his bike and he had agreed. So it was going to be just me and my Pooja spending some quality time together in one of the better romantic hangouts of Mysore. Everything was arranged for a romantic candle-lit dinner at a posh restaurant as well...and then, who knows what would develop ;-)

I spent the entire morning chatting with friends and reading my collection of Calvin n Hobbes. Lunch was heavy...had chicken biriyani and I barely coudn't keep my eyes open when I reached my cubicle. I positioned myself on the seat, changed my status to "Busy" on the communicator, turned the screen-saver off and kept the PRL document open on my desktop. Then,keeping my hand on the mouse, I was able to sleep peacefully for 30 min. They ought to teach these things at the ILI sessions!!! Time flew on and I was just about to think of leaving when the phone started ringing!!! My heart skipped a beat...and then I relaxed!!!It probably could be Pooja giving me a "I'm thinking of you" miss call :-). But my romantic whim was short lived for the call on my mobile was coming from the number was my on-site cordinator!!! Fearing the worst, I answered the call. He explained that he had been in a discussion with the business and they had reviewed my test-cases. He commented me on the good job and said I had done well to understand the requirement and make the test-cases with minimum help. Each and every compliment felt like nails on the coffin of my weekend. And then he laid the bombshell on me ... he requested me to work on Saturday as it was imperative that the review comments be incorporated as soon as possible and the business was demanding an immediete start to the
testing. I started protesting, but he was adamant. He said the team needed me and they were sure that I would rise to the occasion(talk about emotional black-mailing, corporate style!!!). The choicest of four letter expletives were running through my mind...but I knew I was fighting a loosing battle. I got a compulsory off for the coming week, the price I had to pay to sacrifice my romantic weekend with Pooja!!!

I phoned Pooja to tell her the news. She didn't take it well and she broke up with me!!! The cherry on top of my cake!!! Well, the day, Friday...the best day of the week, had started great ... and now I
found myself working at 8pm on a Friday night!!!I had high-hopes for the weekend and now I was dateless and had to work on Saturday!!! Welcome to the corporate world...wonder if I can win the case if I decide to sue them??

Anyway I've decided one thing...I'm going to take my comp off on next Friday!!!


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