
Showing posts from December, 2007

Coorg Chronicle

We had been planning a trip for quiet some time now. By we, I mean myself, Sooraj,Deepak and Sharon (from IVS),Arun (REUD),Asif(RETL),Shameer(SI),Ancy(IHLD),Shyam(CSPD) and Vidya(E&R).It kept getting postponed for some reason or the other,but everything kind of clicked for December 15th. .Ten became nine as Vidya had to drop out due to personal reasons...and the rest of us set out in the early hours of December 15th. Our destination...Coorg!!! A Tavera is really cool for long distance travel. We hit speeds of 120kmph and we didn't even notice it. With those kind of speeds coupled with a great road, we reached our first stop within two hours...the Tibetan settlement at Bailakuppe. The place was amazing. It was as if we entered through a warp and was transported to Tibet. The highlight was ofcourse, the Golden Temple with its spacious,cool interiors and the beautiful giant buddha statues. An ideal place for soul searching and meditation. Another feature of the settlement was its


It's really true that good things happen to those who don't expect it...when one least expects it!!! Something unexpected happened to me early last Wednesday morning too. I won't tell what...but over the past few months I had learned to live with the fact that several things are highly unlikely to happen...those things were out of my hands and I couldn't do anything to make them why worry about it(and I must say I worried a lot over this too) ??? Well one of the things that were on the list happened and I must say it felt real good!!! But I haven't kept my hopes high, could have been some random act which would'nt probably get repeated again. But felt good!!!:-) Many a time you grieve a lot and at times you feel as if God is doing nothing to remedy the situation. I once read in some book that Gods attitude towards us is like that of a parent teaching his child how to ride a bike. The parent doesn't choose to stop his child

The Maha-Software-Bharat

Hi...I'm Parth. I am number three of five brothers-Dharma, Big B, Nahcool and Sahdev. Funny names,huh?? Well, my father was a big Dharmendra fan so he just had to name his first born Dharma.As Dharma grew up, my parents realised he wouldn't I guess the name fits him. Big B is a freak of nature...dat guys so huge and bloody strong!!!My parents once went visiting some hill station when Big B was small and my mom kinda accidently dropped him while site-seeing on a cliff. Can't blame her really...he was already the size of an itsy witsy teeny weeny blue whale!!!Big B didn't fall much...he landed on a rock and set off a landslide!!! The road to the hill station was blocked for a week!!! They say I was a born gaming freak. Shooting was my speciality and no one could beat me in first person shooting games. Playstation, X-BOX, name it...I was the master!!!There was this one guy Ekalavya who was as good as me on all three consoles. Well, one day the unimag


The new hot girl in my office and I were waiting for the elevator. I must admit, I was sweating a bit. Man!!! This girl is too hot to be allowed!!! The dialogue from the recent "Transformers" movie played inside me..."The pheromone levels in this man suggests he wants to mate with the female!!!" The elevator opened and we got inside. It was semi-dark and we had 3 floors to cover. Mid-way, the elevator stopped.Power outage!!!Oh My god!So much for a man's wildest fantasy...stuck in a dark elevator with a hot babe...Ma ma mia!!!I chanced a glance on her and she was looking at me. You could cut the sexual tension with a knife. Before I knew it, she was approaching me...there was no doubt as to what her intentions were...her ruby red lips were nearing close... "Beep Beep Beep Beep"-the alarm clock sounded off at 6:30 AM. I sat up on my bed cursing!!!The vision of the elevator and the girl left me and I was greeted by the sight of my roo

The First Love...

This is the story of my first crush. It was way back in eight standard and she was my neighbour!!! Well, not exactly neighbour in the true sense of the word...we just lived on the same street; houses seperated by a decent distance!!! But as far as the guys in my class were concerned,me and her were neighbours and that made me the target for endless leg-pulling :-) She was real fair,wore glasses,had long hair which she tied in two similar plaits,was pretty skinny and there were several girls who looked loads better than her in the school uniform skirt!!! I hated the things my friends used to say about us and I always countered saying that I didn't give a damn about her. Our interactions were limited to the occasional casual talk or a smile of acknowledgement in a crowd!!! The girls to boys ratio in the class wasn't favourable and so the seating was such that there was a girl in between 2 boys. The logic behind this according to the teachers was that the girl will prevent boys fr

Guys don't show emotion--WHAT???

I remember reading an article once in Readers Digest about the emotional capabilities of the descendents of Adam, which,contrary to what people think, rival even the most emotional of females. We are really emotional...we're just selective about the people we show it to. And in most cases, its to a lady friend that we open up to, as men still have reservations about opening up to other men unless it is absolutely necessary(men are action oriented and asking another man for help,unless its necessary, is seen as a sign of weakness)!!!We are happy to put aside our emotions and deal with them in our own way...playing ball,cursing friends,listening to music,taking long rides,drinking,partying etc. We just don't show it out!!! Haven't you always wondered how simple it was when you were young...when everything was fun and you never knew about the intricacies of having a relationship with girls!!! During those times, boys were with boys and girls were just slightly short people you